CBD Hemp Price Per Pound

While many hemp products have dropped in value, industrial hemp seeds have gone up, with the exception of the beginning of 2020.

That said, here's a look at the average wholesale market prices for various hemp products: Hemp biomass: $3.00 per CBD% per pound; Dried hemp flower (bulk): $364 per pound; Industrial hemp seeds: $10.85 per pound; Crude hemp oil: $1,737 per kg; Refined hemp oil: $4,973 per kg.

When sold by the pound, the average price for hemp seeds has been around $578 per pound since December 2019. Looking at per seed prices, we have seen everything from $0.15 per seed to over $1 per seed, but find that the average cost per unit is around $0.55 for quality genetics.

An average price per pound is in the area of $.060 to $0.65. This may sound like a very small number, however, you can expect an average yield around 1,000 pounds of hemp seed per acre of hemp. Like hemp grown for fiber, the production costs for seed is about $300 to $350 per acre.

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